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strike off meaning in Hindi

strike off sentence in Hindi

काट दिया जाना
चला जाना
काट डालना
काट देना
हटा देना
strike    हड़ताल हड़ताल हवाई
off    से अलग छूट छुट्टी
1.Application to strike off winding-up petition put off, NEW STRAITS TIMES-MANAGEMENT TIMES

2.The " Effective Date of Strike Off " was October 12, 2002.

3.The German also cleared two goal-bound Dinamo strikes off the line.

4.The bowl is then filed level, a process called striking off.

5.It just strikes off another thing that precedes my name in any article,

6."We don't want strikes off the plate; we want strikes on the plate.

7.That doesn't mean he won't try or strike off somewhere new.

8.She then supported air strikes off southern Kykshk from 25 May to 13 June.

9.But Roman Catholic clerics have joined Protestants in objecting to striking off the holiday.

10.Giuly backheeled the last strike off a cross from Hugo Ibarra in the 66th.

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remove from a list; "Cross the name of the dead person off the list"
Synonyms: cross off, cross out, strike out, mark,

How to say strike off in Hindi and what is the meaning of strike off in Hindi? strike off Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.